Maize Production
Maize is an important food crop in Ghana, accounting for more than 50 percent of the country’s total cereal production. The Ghana Grains Development Project (1979–1997) and the Food Crops Development Project (2000–2008)

Increase Productivity
Agricultural productivity is measured as the ratio of agricultural outputs to agricultural inputs. While individual products are usually measured by weight, their varying densities make measuring overall agricultural output difficult.

Creating value for small-scale farmers
Most farmers are engaged in subsistence production, the production is intended primarily to meet the needs of their own families, and most people sell agricultural purpose is to provide merchants...

Other Agricultural Services
We operate at every stage in the agricultural product journey. We have the expertise to provide seamless support across a global network of linked and agri-dedicated offices, led by our twelve...

Seed Production
We regard seed production as a two-way partnership between ourselves and the grower each looking after the interests of each other with the intention of achieving a mutually beneficial yield and quality from the contracted area.

Crop Production
M&B Seeds offers practical and strategic advice on all aspects of crop management. We will provide the most cost-effective and efficient solutions by developing an understanding of specific customer requirements.