M & B Seeds and Agricultural Services (‘M&B” or the “Company”) is a Ghanaian private seed company based in the Volta Regional Capital of Ho. M&B was incorporated under the Companies code 1963 (Act 179) on May 27, 2008 and was issued a certificate of Commencement of Business on May 28, 2008. M&B was founded by Ben Kemetse and Monica Awuku, who are the Company’s Managing Director and Marketing Officer, respectively. Ben has been involved in agriculture since he returned from his studies in Europe and been involved in seed production for over 15 years. Monica is an agriculture input trader who has attended several programs and workshops on seed production in Ghana, Kenya and Mozambique since 1996.
M&B has been working in partnership with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR/CRI/SARI), West African Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI), and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Nigeria over the last couple of years to undertake on-farm trials and commercialize new varieties of hybrid maize seeds. The Company’s objective is to be a major contributor to Ghana’s agricultural transformation by producing improved maize seeds at a low cost to drive higher maize yields and lower maize costs for Ghana’s agriculture sector. In line with this objective and with the support of a previous grant from the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) M&B has released over six varieties of hybrid maize with verified yields of between 4-5 metric tons (mt)/hectare (Ha), which compares favorably with the performance of imported varieties. In addition M&B plans to accelerate the release of promising new varieties of white and yellow maize hybrids with the potential to yield between 9mt/Ha and 11mt/Ha.
Meet the Directors
Our commitment to serve each and every client of ours respectfully, discreetly, professionally and has helped us win the loyalty of comprehensive clients of all starting from individuals farmers and small stakeholders who are finding it difficult to increase their productivity. At our M&B, we aim to you but the support your farm to grow.
Our organisation consists of remarkable team of expert directors and board of directors who work dynamically to bringing good quality seeds, and it is because of this nature of the agricultural services we provide, M&B Seed has been able to stay ahead of its league for decades.
Our Management Team
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